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7 frequently asked questions to ask your dentist at your next check up appointment

There's no such thing as a dumb question when you're at the dentist and we're always happy to answer any question you may have. Asking your dentist questions during your check-up appointment is a great way to get specific answers that take into consideration your individual dental health, history and relevant lifestyle factors.

Here's some examples of questions you could ask.

#1: How often should I get a check-up?

Routine check-ups are generally recommended every 6 months, even if your teeth are in excellent condition. This means we can catch any early decay and maintain healthy oral health. You will often hear us saying we are "keeping an eye on" or "watching" teeth therefore these regular check-ups allow us to review and monitor changes in your teeth.

Dental health visits vary from person to person, and it is important to ask your dentist any specific questions at your routine check-up visits.

#2: Why are my teeth sensitive?

Experiencing sensitivity when consuming hot or cold items or while brushing can be for several reasons. Sensitive teeth are typically the result of worn tooth enamel, tooth grinding while sleeping or exposed tooth roots that are exposed as a result of aggressive tooth brushing, gum recession or periodontal (gum) disease. Sometimes, however, tooth discomfort is caused by other factors, such as damaged teeth or fillings that expose dentin (the soft, sensitive tissue within teeth).

Let your dentist know you are experiencing teeth sensitivity at your next check-up, and they can determine the cause and find the best solution.

#3: Why do I need x-rays taken?

During your initial check-up, your dentist will take 2 bitewing x-rays of both the left side and right side of your mouth. This is to monitor any changes happening to the teeth and surrounding tissue. These x-rays are commonly re-taken every 2 years and, in some cases, those with a higher risk for certain dental health problems may need them taken every 6 to 12 months.

These x-rays are low dose and give the dentists a detailed image of the dental health that can't be seen with the natural eye.

It is important for all women that are pregnant or suspect they could be pregnant let the dentist know prior to this procedure. Although the x-rays are low dose, we like to take extra care for these patients.

For procedures such as wisdom teeth extractions and orthodontics, an OPG x-ray may be required. An OPG x-ray is a full mouth x-ray showing the upper and lower jaw and with a referral from one of the dentists, the image can be conveniently taken at Exact Radiology in the Beaudesert Fair complex. This image is free of charge for all Medicare card holders.

#4: How can I improve the whiteness of my teeth?

Majority of the time, smoking, coffee, tea, and red wine are the four major causes of stained teeth. Cutting down on these items is the most straight-forward, cost effective way to significantly reduce the risk of discolouration and staining of the teeth.

To improve the overall whiteness of your smile, discover Wagner Dentals whitening treatments. Our custom-fitted take home whitening trays and gentle and effective professional-grade whitening gels can restore your teeth to their natural whiteness in the comfort of your own home. This is the safest and most sustainable way of whitening your teeth, especially for long term stains that may be a little more stubborn. Alternatively, we offer in-chair Zoom! whitening for fast results.

Ask about these options at your next dental check-up.

#5: Should I floss regularly?

Flossing once a day is a great way to remove plaque, bacteria, and food debris, effectively preventing tooth decay and keeping your gums and teeth healthy. It is an inexpensive option that can easily and effortlessly be incorporated into your dental routine. It is important to note that flossing the wrong way can potentially cause serious harm to the gum line and expose tooth roots.

Speak to your dentist at your next check-up about oral hygiene techniques in more detail.

#6: Why are my gums bleeding?

Healthy gums shouldn't bleed very easily, therefore it isn't normal to see blood after brushing or flossing your teeth. Bleeding gums can be a sign of severe problems in your mouth however, this problem is easily treated.

Bleeding gums are often caused by bacteria in the mouth and ridding the mouth of these bacteria should fix the problem over time. In severe cases, bleeding around the gums can be a sign of gum disease and if left untreated, gum disease can take on a more severe form, commonly known as periodontitis. This can cause inflammation, redness, loss of bone levels resulting in high mobility and loss of teeth.

The most common causes of bleeding gums are overly aggressive brushing, alcohol and tobacco, poor diet, genetics, and some health conditions causing inflammation of the gums.

Brushing and flossing, when done well, are the core of healthy oral hygiene practices however, if you have inflamed, bleeding gums, then you may need the help of a professional.

Talk to your dentist at your next visit about ways to stop gum bleeding.

#7: What happens if I have a dental emergency?

Dental trauma, facial swelling, loss of a filling or a broken tooth causing toothache are all cause for concern and classed as a dental emergency. Contact Wagner Dental to arrange immediate treatment.

The team at Wagner Dental are here to answer any questions you may have.

Call 5541 2296 to schedule a check-up appointment or click the 'Book Appointment' tab at the top of your screen to see our availability online.

We look forward to seeing you

Wagner Dental

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